The purpose of this paper is to explore how the Arab countries are progressing in developing information society and how they differ in their effo rts to build an info rmation society. The researchers are interested to know if there is any relationship between ICT Develop ment Index (IDI) and ICT Price Basket (IPB), as well as the relationship between Gross National Index (GNI) and IDI. The study adopted IDI, GNI, and IPB indicators used by the International Teleco mmunication Un it (ITU) in 2011. The researchers divided the Arab countries into four groups: GCC, Levant, Magreb, and other Arab countries. Findings indicate a significant progress of the Arab countries, particularly the GCC countries, in developing informat ion society. Results of the study show that countries with relat ively h igh ICT price have relatively lo w levels of ICT access and use. Similarly, the analysis of the study found that a high GNI for a country results in a high ICT Develop ment Index and vice versa.