The reference "Fay (1986)" is cited in the text but is not listed in the references list. Please either delete the in-text citation or provide full reference details following journal style.Response: Resolved Q5 : The reference "Lamont 1992" is cited in the text but is not listed in the references list. Please either delete the in-text citation or provide full reference details following journal style. Response: Resolved Q6 : The CrossRef database ( has been used to validate the references. Mismatches between the original manuscript and CrossRef are tracked in red font. Please provide a revision if the change is incorrect. Do not comment on correct changes Response: Resolved Q7 : The reference "Burnham 2007" is listed in the references list but is not cited in the text. Please either cite the reference or remove it from the references list. Response: Resolved Q8 : Please provide missing page range for reference "Goodhart 2014" references list entry. Response: Resolved Q9 : The reference "Granovetter 1985" is listed in the references list but is not cited in the text. Please either cite the reference or remove it from the references list. Response: Resolved Q10 : Please provide missing page range for reference "Hall 1989" references list entry. Response: Resolved Q11 : Please provide missing page range for reference "Hallerberg 2003" references list entry. Response: Resolved Q12 : Please provide missing page range for reference "Kynaston 1995" references list entry. Response: Resolved Q13 : Please provide missing page range for reference "Thompson 2014" references list entry. Response: Resolved CM1 : The phrase (Governor of the Bank of England 1966-73) is not a reference. We are indicating the period of time that leslie O'Brien was Governor of the Bank of England. CM2 : I have tried to add the Wass reference but when I click on the reference button on the top bar I get the message: 'Adding references in Front Matter is not allowed..,'. The Wass reference is Wass, D. 2008. Decline to fall: the making of British macro-economic policy and the 1976 IMF crisis. Oxford: Oxford University Press. CM3 : This should not be a standalone sentence. Please attach this sentence to the start of the paragraph directly below beginning: 'First, CBI was perceived ... CM4 : Jim Buller is a senior lecturer in Politics at the University of York. He has written widely on the subject of British public policy. His latest book, Comparing Strategies of Depoliticisation in Europe: Governance, Resistance and Anti-politics (with Pinar Emine Donmez, Adam Standring and Matt Wood) was published by Palgrave in 2018. Ben Whisker is an ESRC funded PhD student in the Politics Department, at the University of York. His thesis presents a reappraisal of ideational accounts of the Thatcher Governments utilising recently released archival material.