In 2018, a special hot-topic issue of Current Genomics covering numerous important aspects of molecular cytogenetics and cytogenomics in the postgenomic era was published (Current Genomics, Volume 12, Issue/Number 3, Pages: 157-246) [1]. As a result, the theoretical basis for a new emerging field of cytogenomic research tentatively termed as "cyto(post)genomics" was provided. Tragically, the passing away of my co-editor and closest colleague, Professor Yuri B. Yurov [2], hindered immediate attempts to delineate the area of "cytopostgenomics". Accordingly, I take the opportunity to contribute a Perspectives in Genomics article to re-introduce cytopostgenomics in remembrance of Professor Yuri B. Yurov, the brilliant researcher of chromosomes and cellular genomes.More than a decade ago, cytogenomics (molecular cytogenomics) was introduced to define a body of research in human genomics (genetics) focused on genomic variations and architecture at microscopic/submicroscopic level and at molecular resolutions [3]. Later, it expanded to include a wide spectrum of applications of whole-genome Copy Number Variation (CNV) analysis (cytogenomic analysis or analysis of cytogenomic variations) in diagnostic research [4,5].Currently, cytogenomics (in its widest sense) seems to encompass almost all areas of chromosome biology addressed in the genomic context [1,[3][4][5]. Using postgenomic approaches to chromosomal variations and instability, a number of discoveries in chromosome biology and re-evaluations of current concepts in genomics have been made [6]. In addition to analysis of submicroscopic genomic variations for the association with specific phenotypes [3][4][5], cytogenomics has shed light on genome behavior (i.e. genome instability) throughout ontogeny [7] including more specific genomic changes (accumulation of somatic genomic variations) associated with normal and abnormal aging [8,9]. Moreover, genome-environment interactions highlighting normal and pathogenic responses of cellular genomes to environmental stimuli, which partially underlie somatic mutagenesis, have been highlighted [10]. The variable effects of the genomic variations have resulted in the interpretational problem of cytogenomic data [3][4][5][6]11]. Fortunately, postgenomic research has provided numerous bioinformatic opportunities to solve the problem by proposing a variety of algorithms for processing molecular cytogenetic and (cyto)genomic data [11,12]. As a result, actual cytogenomic research cannot be appropriately performed without corresponding postgenomic analysis (i.e. systems biology approaches and pathway-based classification) [12]. Furthermore, genome analysis for specific medical tasks (e.g. pediatric research) has already benefited from the application of postgenomic approaches to processing genomic data [13]. More precisely, pathway-based views on human diseases have heavily influenced our understanding of the disease etiology [14]. Finally, postgenomic approaches to processing cytogenomic data are able to deliver effective therapeuti...