“…Here σ is volatility of the underlying, ν 01 , ν 10 are transition intensities from state (0) to state (1) and vice versa, respectively, µ is drift of the underlying and d 0 = µ 2 /2σ 2 , see [5] for more details. Using U i and V i , the buyer's indifference price p (initial state 0) and q (initial state 1) are defined via U 0 (t, X − p, S) = V 0 (t, X), U 1 (t, X − q, S) = V 1 (t, X), (5) where U , V are the optimal solutions for terminal wealth with and without options respectively. The value functions V i , i = 0, 1 are given by V i = e −γX F i (t) and V i (t, X, S) = e −γR i (t,S) , i = 1, 2…”