Lack of recognition of the value of wetlands has led to the loss of considerable areas of these ecosystems in the past.Linhos lake (Figueira da Foz, Portugal) is a good example of one of these ecosystems, in which human intervention was responsible for its environmental degradation and led to its precocious terrestrialization. Physico-chemical conditions and zooplankton community structure were studied in Linhos lake, in order to evaluate ecosystem functioning and to acquire baseline information. The system is characterised by high oxygen depletion. Spatial heterogeneity was confirmed by the existence of significant differences in total densities for the three zooplanktonic groups. Rotifers were the most abundant group attaining their maximum density in April (2251Ð1 ind/l). Keratella quadrata, K. cochlearis, Polyarthra vulgaris, Filinia terminalis and Hexarthra mira were the main abundant species. Correspondence analysis suggested temperature as the main controlling factor in species seasonality. In order to prevent the precocious disappearance of the lake some restoration measures were proposed based on zooplankton community structure.