s u m m a r yClimate warming is expected to have major impacts on river water quality, water column/hyporheic zone biogeochemistry and aquatic ecosystems. A quantitative understanding of spatio-temporal air (T a ) and water (T w ) temperature dynamics is required to guide river management and to facilitate adaptations to climate change. This study determined the magnitude, drivers and models for increasing T w in three river segments of the Yongan watershed in eastern China. Over the 1980-2012 period, T w in the watershed increased by 0.029-0.046°C yr À1 due to a $0.050°C yr À1 increase of T a and changes in local human activities (e.g., increasing developed land and population density and decreasing forest area). A standardized multiple regression model was developed for predicting annual T w (R 2 = 0.88-0.91) and identifying/ partitioning the impact of the principal drivers on increasing T w :T a (76 ± 1%), local human activities (14 ± 2%), and water discharge (10 ± 1%). After normalizing water discharge, climate warming and local human activities were estimated to contribute 81-95% and 5-19% of the observed rising T w , respectively. Models forecast a 0.32-1.76°C increase in T w by 2050 compared with the 2000-2012 baseline condition based on four future scenarios. Heterogeneity of warming rates existed across seasons and river segments, with the lower flow river and dry season demonstrating a more pronounced response to climate warming and human activities. Rising T w due to changes in climate, local human activities and hydrology has a considerable potential to aggravate river water quality degradation and coastal water eutrophication in summer. Thus it should be carefully considered in developing watershed management strategies in response to climate change.