use of tunable soft X-rays from synchrotron radiation (SR) opens the
possibility of inducing selective chemical bond scission because of
its high localization in a chemical bond. The selective fragmentation
of a potential extreme ultraviolet resist, poly(4-(methacryloyloxy)
phenyldimethylsulfoniumtriflate) (MAPDST), was examined using inner
shell-polarized SR excitation. Selective bond dissociation processes
were studied using a combination of carbon K-edge excitation, angle-resolved
irradiation, and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS)
spectroscopy. Detailed theoretical calculations carried out with the
FEFF9 modeling program allowed the interpretation of all the observed
experimental features. NEXAFS results indicated that the aromatic
group of the polymer lies parallel to the substrate surface. FEFF9
theoretical calculations confirmed the origin of the splitting of
the main C 1s → πCC
* resonances observed. The transition
C 1s → παCC
* (285.3 eV) can be associated with the four
internal carbons of the aromatic ring. The transition C 1s →
* (286.9 eV) was assigned to the carbon atoms attached to the
oxygen and sulfur atoms. According to the theoretical calculations,
the origin of the splitting is due to the different absolute energy
of C 1s. The results showed a strong selective dissociation effect
when the excitation energy was tuned to the C 1s → παCC
* transition
and the electric field vector of the photon was perpendicular to the
substrate plane (grazing angle). On the contrary, other transitions
were in general less affected. When the SR irradiation angle changed
from grazing to normal incidence, the intensity of the C 1s →
* transitions was almost unaffected by 285.3 eV photons. The experimental
results suggest that site-specific core excitation combined with the
direction of the electric field vector of the incidence SR can efficiently
control the localization of the photon energy to produce selective
bond dissociation in MAPDST thin films. The results presented here
can also be useful to guide new processing lithographic methods for
extreme ultraviolet lithography using the polarization properties
of light in ordered polymeric thin films.