The presence of cadmium (Cd) in cocoa crops is currently a serious problem for farmersand producers in various regions of South America. Because its exports of cocoa and derivativesto European markets are threatened by possible signs of contamination in cocoa beans for export.Territories with a low organic component predated and exploited by illegal logging, burning andthe intensity of unsustainable land use is common in large Amazonian areas in countries ofthe region. These factors were incorporated in statistical analysis in order to relate them to thecontents of Cd in soil, leaves and beans in the study areas located in Peru. Such as the CampoVerde-Honoria-Tournavista corridor (Ucayali Region and Huanuco Region). Cadmium concentrationswere determined using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. As a consequence of this study,we determined and concluded that the observed difference in distribution of Cd contents by sectorscan be explained by previous land use and age of cocoa crop. Indeed, the average content of Cd insoil in all cocoa growing areas is higher than the standard established by the Peruvian Ministry ofthe Environment (MINAM). However, when the measurements obtained in previously predatedand exploited sectors are not considered, the Hotelling’s T2 simultaneous 90% confidence intervalcontains the value of the Peruvian standard 1.4 mg/kg. Therefore, with this information we preparea geochemical Cd map in soils for the study area, which will help cocoa producers to identify areasthat exceed the allowed Cd values. In this way, we can carry out in the future a mitigation plan forareas with Cd problems, which allows to reduce their content with major challenges to sustainableagriculture and rural development.