“…Eighteen subjects (18 of 60 = 30%) reported normal VDP and 42 (42 of 60 = 70%) subjects reported abnormally elevated VDP. As shown in Figure 1 for three representative subjects, volunteers with normal VDP showed small or no ventilation defects along the periphery of the lung, whereas (16) 27 (14) 28 (17) .86 (1.0) Years quit smoking 19 (15) 13 (12) 21 (15) .06 (1.0) BMI, kg/m 2 29 (4) 29 (5) 30 (4) .5 (1.0) FVC, % pred 97 (13) 100 (10) 95 (14) .18 (1.0) FEV 1 , % pred 104 (13) 106 (12) 102 (14) .28 (1.0) FEV 1 /FVC 80 (6) 80 (6) 80 (6) .78 (1.0) RV/TLC, % pred 103 (15) 104 (12) 103 (16 ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; BMI, body mass index; BSA, body surface area; DL CO , diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide; FEV 1 , forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; LA, mean fifth generation airway lumen area; 6MWD, six-minute walk distance; RA 950 , relative area of the lung parenchyma with attenuation #À950 HU; RV, residual volume; SD, standard deviation; SGRQ, St. Georges Respiratory Questionnaire; TLC, total lung capacity; VDP, ventilation defect percent; WA%, mean fifth generation airway wall area percent.…”