This study has been funded by the Life Programme of the European Union (LIFE EuroLargeCarnivores, LIFE16 GIE/DE/000661) and the Ministry of Rural Affairs and Consumer Protection, Baden-Württemberg.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSSpecial thanks for data management go to Johannes Erretkamps and Pieter van der Lei. For technical assistance, we would like to thank Raffael Hickisch, Kaja Weinandi, Carolin Maier, and Lena Holzapfel. We are grateful to Jenny Cockton for proofreading our non-native English. Sincere thanks go to all individual stakeholders who participated in the telephone interviews and workshops, the workshop moderators, and the many anonymous respondents of the survey. The following people have greatly contributed by collecting, documenting, translating, reporting, and systematically preprocessing primary data as part of inspiring intercultural cooperation: