“…Boosted regression trees Supervised Costa et al, 2014;Hewitt et al, 2015 Classification rule with unbiased interaction selection and estimation Supervised Ierodiaconou et al, 2011 Discriminant function analysis Supervised Degraer et al, 2008 Ecological niche factor analysis Supervised Tong et al, 2012;Sánchez-Carnero et al, 2016 Fuzzy k-means Unsupervised Falace et al, 2015 Generalized additive model Supervised Schmiing et al, 2013;Touria et al, 2015 Generalized Quick, unbiased, efficient tree Supervised Ierodiaconou et al, 2011;Hasan et al, 2012 Random forest Both Hasan et al, 2012;Diesing et al, 2014;Piechaud et al, 2015 Support vector machine Supervised Hasan et al, 2012 Frontiers in Marine Science | www.frontiersin.orgFIGURE 2 | Example of how different methods can produce different outcomes. The input data were bathymetric data, backscatter data, and topographic data (i.e., slope, easterness, northerness, and relative deviation from mean value) (see Lecours et al, 2016b).…”