The main objective of this study was to evaluate the long-term water conservation potential of two smart irrigation controllers when implemented in singlefamily homes with excess irrigation. Treatments were established in Orange County, Florida, across two types of soils and included homes monitored only (MO), homes that received an evapotranspiration (ET) controller or a soil moisture sensor (SMS) controller, and homes that received an ET or SMS plus an onsite specific programing and tutorial given to the homeowner (ETPgm or SMSPgm, respectively). All treatments resulted in significant water savings compared with the MO group, without negatively affecting the turf quality.Average irrigation reductions in sandy and flatwoods soils for ET were 21% and 17% and 26% and 31%, respectively, in the ETPgm group. The SMS group reduced irrigation by 18% and 42% in flatwoods and sandy soils, respectively, while the SMSPgm treatment applied 41% and 35% less water, respectively.