This paper explored the integration of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) to enhance the quality assurance of General English instruction within higher education. Despite the recognized significance of TPACK for ESL teachers, scant research exists on its application, specifically in ensuring the quality of General English teaching. The study in a public university focused on a division of General English consisting of 61 lecturers. Data was collected using both quantitative and qualitative methods, including a questionnaire adapted from Schmidt et al. (2009) and an interview combined with class observation. The findings revealed that although most lecturers self-rated their TPACK competence at a high level, a small percentage of them integrated technology into their teaching. Therefore, lecturers are recommended to participate in peer observation to share authentic applications of their TPACK knowledge. Regular internal workshops should also be held to revive lecturers’ TPACK skills. More significantly, lecturers have to attend external workshops on AI in TESOL and available TESOL conferences to improve their teaching skills in general. As for managers, incorporating TPACK competencies into teacher evaluations, particularly observation strategies, is recommended to recognize and encourage effective teaching practices. These comprehensive approaches can enhance the quality of general English teaching in this digital era.