Original scientific paper In the recent years, organizations and researchers have been focused on the intelligent building assessment in building design and construction. The performance of intelligent buildings (IBs) is measured based on the IB related characteristics and actual circumstances. This paper utilizes the fuzzy set theory, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), and data envelopment analysis (DEA), and offers an integrated fuzzy AHP-fuzzy DEA (FAHP-FDEA) method for intelligent building assessment. The fuzzy set theory is used to model the imprecise and vague data of the evaluation criteria. Since, the evaluation criteria have different importance in the evaluation process; FAHP is employed to determine the weight of criteria. Then, the weight of criteria is incorporated to a FDEA model to measure the intelligent buildings' performance. The pure fuzzy AHP method can only compare a very limited number of decision alternatives, while the proposed FAHP-FDEA can rank a huge number of alternatives. A case study taken from the literature is considered to show applicability and effectiveness of the proposed FAHP-FDEA model. The results affirmed that the proposed method provides the consistent results with the existing methods in the literature. In addition, the proposed method enables decision makers to determine the results under different aspiration levels.
Keywords: decision making; FAHP, FDEA; fuzzy set theory; intelligent building assessment
Integrirana metoda fuzzy analitičkog hijerarhijskog postupka i fuzzy analize podataka grupe (FAHP-FDEA) u ocjenjivanju inteligentne zgradeIzvorni znanstveni članak Zadnjih su godina u projektiranju i izgradnji građevina organizacije i istraživači usredotočeni na ocjenu inteligentne zgrade. Performanse inteligentnih zgrada (IB) mjere se na temelju karakteristika koje se odnose na IB i stvarnih okolnosti. U ovom se radu koristi teorija fuzzy niza, analitički hijerarhijski postupak (AHP) i analiza podataka grupe (data envelopment analysis -DEA), i nudi integrirana fuzzy AHP-fuzzy DEA (FAHP-FDEA) metoda za ocjenu inteligentne zgrade. Primjenjuje se teorija fuzzy niza za modeliranje nepreciznih i neodređenih podataka ocjenjivačkih kriterija. Budući da su oni od različite važnosti u postupku ocjenjivanja, za određivanje težine kriterija primjenjuje se FAHP. Tada se težina kriterija uključuje u FDEA model kako bi se dobila ocjena performanse inteligentne zgrade. Čistom fuzzy AHP metodom moguće je usporediti samo vrlo ograničen broj alternativa za donošenje odluke dok se predloženom FAHP-FDEA metodom može rangirati ogroman broj alternativa. Razmotrena je analiza slučaja uzetog iz literature da bi se pokazala primjenjivost i učinkovitost predloženog modela FAHP-FDEA. Rezultati su potvrdili da se predloženom metodom dobivaju rezultati u skladu s postojećim metodama u literaturi. Uz to, predloženom se metodom omogućuje da donosioci odluke rezultate donesu u skladu s težnjama.