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DETERMINANTS OF SELF-REPORTING UNDER THE EUROPEAN CORPORATE LENIENCY PROGRAMCung Truong Hoang , Kai Hüschelrath , Ulrich Laitenberger * and Florian Smuda # July 2014
AbstractWe empirically investigate the determinants of self-reporting under the European corporate leniency program. Applying a data set consisting of 442 firm groups that participated in 76 cartels decided by the European Commission between 2000 and 2011, we find that the probability of a firm becoming the chief witness increases with its character as repeat offender, the size of the expected basic fine, the number of countries active in one group as well as the size of the firm's share in the cartelized market. Our results have important implications for an effective prosecution of anti-cartel law infringers. Corresponding author. We are indebted to Eric Helland and an anonymous reviewer for valuable comments and suggestions on an earlier version of the paper. We are further grateful to Dominic Cucic, Amery Gülker, Bastian Sattelberger and Anne Zirngiebl for excellent research assistance. The usual disclaimer applies.