Motivated by the dearth of studies pertaining to the digital quantum simulation of coupled fermion-boson systems and the revitalized interest in simulating models from medium-and highenergy physics, we investigate the nonequilibrium dynamics following a Yukawa-interaction quench on IBM Q. After adopting -due to current quantum-hardware limitations -a single-site (zerodimensional) version of the scalar Yukawa-coupling model as our point of departure, we design low-depth quantum circuits that emulate its dynamics with up to three bosons. In particular, using advanced circuit-optimization techniques, in the one-boson case we demonstrate circuit compression, i.e. design a shallow (constant-depth) circuit that contains only two CNOT gates, regardless of the total simulation time. In the three-boson case -where such a compression is not possible -we design a circuit in which one Trotter step entails 8 CNOTs, this number being far below the maximal CNOT-cost of a generic three-qubit gate. Using an analogy with the travelling salesman problem, we also provide a CNOT-cost estimate for quantum circuits emulating the system dynamics for higher boson-number truncations. Finally, based on the proposed circuits for one-and three-boson cases, we quantify the system dynamics for several different initial states by evaluating the expected fermion-and boson numbers at an arbitrary time after the quench. We validate our results by finding their good agreement with the exact ones obtained through classical benchmarking.Higgs mechanism, after electroweak symmetry breaking [42]. Finally, it is worthwhile mentioning that interaction mechanism somewhat analogous to Yukawa coupling are of relevance in the context of strongly-correlated systems in condensed-matter physics [56].