This thesis would not have been possible without your guidance, expertise, unconditional and continuous support, and feedback on my research. Thank you also for the freedom and trust you offered me, all of which have shaped my work and beyond. I am equally indebted to you, Jonathan, for acting as my daily supervisor. Thank you for your huge knowledge about choice models, for countless hours of online meetings, for reading my numerous drafts, for your immense patience, constant encouragement, critical comments, and constructive discussions, and for your happiness and enthusiasm for my research. I was more than one time lost and ready to quit, but after talking to you, I found my way back.I take this opportunity to acknowledge all the people and organizations for their valuable contributions to my research. My sincere acknowledgment and gratitude go to the Ministry of Sciences, Technology, and Innovation (a.k.a. Colciencias) from Colombia, which provided me with the opportunity to do this Ph.D. To Universidad Distrital in Colombia, for facilitating me to further my knowledge and experiences abroad. And to the School District of Hillsborough County which provided useful data and information for this research.I appreciate having been surrounded by so many amazing people in Enschede, who became my extended family. Thanks to my Iranian officemates Sara, Adish, Azar, and Razieh, who advised me during the initial stages. My special appreciation goes to Simba,