Background: With a focus on the teat end microbiota and their molecular characterisation, the goal of the current study is to determine how teat health characteristics affect the development of this condition. Methods: Total 100 lactating dairy buffaloes of different parity were screened for mastitis. A battery of tests, including the California mastitis test (CMT), white side teat (WST), pH and somatic cell count (SCC), were used to screen buffaloes for mastitis. Samples that showed a strong positive reaction were chosen. Teat-end swabs collected for bacterial examination and analyse for molecular characterization and phylogenetic analysis. Result: Significant correlation (P less than 0.01) was established between teat end score and all other teat parameters namely teat skin color score, teat roughness, teat chapping and teat condition score. The amplification of 16S r DNA by PCR with universal primer 27F-1492R which span nearly full length of 16 SrRNA gene with expected amplicon of 144-1500bp. If farmers are to be properly prevented, awareness among them must be raised. It was anticipated that if the microbial load were to decrease, so would the likelihood of contracting an infection. The udder health kit, which was made with locally created pre- and post-milking dips and cleaning chemicals, decreased the bacterial load, enhanced the teat health score and improved the milk profile and could thus be replicated for use in the field.