Collaborative tagging systems, also known as folksonomies, have grown in popularity over the Web on account of their simplicity to organize several types of content (e.g., Web pages, pictures, and video) using open-ended tags. The rapid adoption of these systems has led to an increasing amount of users providing information about themselves and, at the same time, a growing and rich corpus of social knowledge that can be exploited by recommendation technologies. In this context, tripartite relationships between users, resources, and tags contained in folksonomies set new challenges for knowledge discovery approaches to be applied for the purposes of assisting users through recommendation systems. This review aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of folksonomy-based recommender systems. Current recommendation approaches stemming from fields such as user modeling, collaborative filtering, content, and linkanalysis are reviewed and discussed to provide a starting point for researchers in the field as well as explore future research lines. C 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.