This study used resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (REMPI-TOFMS) to evaluate the phase inversion that is driven via temperature change. A change in temperature prompts phase inversion in an oil-in-water (O/W) emulsion that uses a nonionic surfactant as an emulsifier. In this study, an O/W emulsion was prepared containing Triton X-100 as an emulsifier. To promote emulsion inversion, we heated only the outlet of a capillary column that was used for sample introduction during REMPI-TOFMS. When the emulsion was continuously measured at 40 C, several intense spikes could be detected on a time profile for the analyte, toluene, constructed by extracting the peak areas from a series of obtained mass spectra. This indicated the presence of toluene droplets in the O/W emulsion. No intense spikes appeared at 80 C, however, which suggested the shrinkage or even disappearance of the oil droplets following phase inversion. Using this technique, an emulsion can be measured without affecting the influence of vaporization even at elevated temperatures, which surely is a serious concern when using other analytical techniques. Therefore, this technique would be quite useful for evaluating the phase inversion of an emulsion at elevated temperatures.