This article analyses the international queer politics of development by examining UK aid addressing lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans, plus (LGBT+) inclusion in the context of COVID-19 and right-wing government—using this case to propose a multi-dimensional critical framework for understanding when states fund LGBT+ development. The UK’s first LGBT+ themed international development project was Strong in Diversity—Bold on Inclusion, from 2019, planned to work in five African cities. Partner organisations included HIVOS, Coalition of African Lesbians, AMSHeR, Kaleidoscope Trust, Article 19, Synergia, Workplace Pride and three universities. Drawing on the author’s participation, the article analyses changing government policy regarding the project. In the context of Brexit and COVID-19, the ‘co-creation’ phase ended without phase 2 funding. Suggesting a gap between perspectives emphasising homonationalism (or homocapitalism) and inconsistent transnational resourcing for LGBT+ development, the article advocates a multi-dimensional critical framework engaging risk, governmentality, crisis and authoritarian populism.