The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of service quality on customers' satisfaction, and behavior intentions at Gong Badak Sport Complex, Terengganu. 169 active users at the sport complex were selected for the study. Model of Service Quality (Ko & Pastore, 2005) and The Scale of Service Quality in Recreation Sport (SSQRS; Osman, Cole & Vessell, 2006) were used in collecting data. Based on the result, it shows that 'operation quality' (M=5.54, SD=1.07) is the main factor influencing respondent to re-use the sport facilities, followed by 'facility ambience' (M=5.26, SD=1.15) and 'staff competency' (M= 4.76, SD=1.08). Based on Pearson correlations it shows facility ambience, operation quality, and staff competency has a significant relationship on customers' satisfaction and behavior intentions. While regression analyses showed, staff competency was greater predictor in predicting 74, p<0.05), re-71 72, p<0.05). As conclusion, there were influences of service quality factors on customers' satisfaction and behavior intentions.