Split Mastic Asphalt (SMA) is an open-graded mixture with a high filler content. There have been many types of additives used in an effort to improve the performance of mixtures. Limestone is one of the filler options for asphalt pavements and is a mineral resource that has a large amount in Indonesia, estimated at 2,160 billion tons [1]. There were three types of lime used in this study, abundantly available in west Sumatra, i.e. Palupuh (PL), Kamang Mudiak (KM) and Padang Panjang (PP) lime. The significance of this study is to determine the effect of each replacement filler on the characteristics of the split mastic asphalt 0/11 (SMA 0/11) mixture based on the Marshall test. PP lime with a lime content of 7% and an asphalt content of 6.7% to 7% produced the highest stability value of 1,020.0 kg. Thus, it can be concluded that PP lime is the most suitable as a filler for SMA pavement and PP lime content of 7% has a high stability value and other Marshall parameters has followed to the standards required.