“…Technical budgets allow for the assessment of both the sustainability of the system, from a medium/long-term perspective, and the intergenerational equity and solidarity (Guardiancich & Natali, 2018), which is given by the stable and fair ratio between contributions and benefits paid. With regard to sustainability, it is useful to highlight that the financial crisis has further emphasized the need for performance measures which are able to determine the ability to effectively provide income replacement at retirement age (Hinz, Heinz, Antolin, & Yermo, 2010). Indeed, the European Union also focuses on the sustainability of pensions in several documents (European Commission, 2010, 2018a, 2018b; European Economic and Social Committee, 2010), particularly in the 2010 Green Paper where it states "An adequate and sustainable retirement income for EU citizens now and in the future is a priority for the European Union.…”