Abstract. Passive air samplers (PASs) for gaseous mercury
(Hg) were deployed for time periods between 1 month and 1 year at 20 sites
across the globe with continuous atmospheric Hg monitoring using active
Tekran instruments. The purpose was to evaluate the accuracy of the PAS
vis-à-vis the industry standard active instruments and to determine a
sampling rate (SR; the volume of air stripped of gaseous Hg per unit of time)
that is applicable across a wide range of conditions. The sites spanned a
wide range of latitudes, altitudes, meteorological conditions, and gaseous
Hg concentrations. Precision, based on 378 replicated deployments performed
by numerous personnel at multiple sites, is 3.6 ± 3.0 %1, confirming the PAS's excellent reproducibility
and ease of use. Using a SR previously determined at a single site, gaseous Hg
concentrations derived from the globally distributed PASs deviate from
Tekran-based concentrations by 14.2 ± 10 %. A recalibration
using the entire new data set yields a slightly higher SR of 0.1354 ± 0.016 m3 day−1. When concentrations are derived from the PAS using this revised SR the difference between concentrations from active and passive sampling is reduced to 8.8 ± 7.5 %. At the mean gaseous Hg concentration across the study sites
of 1.54 ng m−3, this represents an ability to resolve concentrations to
within 0.13 ng m−3. Adjusting the sampling rate to deployment
specific temperatures and wind speeds does not decrease the difference in
active–passive concentration further (8.7 ± 5.7 %), but
reduces its variability by leading to better agreement in Hg concentrations
measured at sites with very high and very low temperatures and very high
wind speeds. This value (8.7 ± 5.7 %) represents a
conservative assessment of the overall uncertainty of the PAS due to
inherent uncertainties of the Tekran instruments. Going forward, the
recalibrated SR adjusted for temperature and wind speed should be used,
especially if conditions are highly variable or deviate considerably from
the average of the deployments in this study (9.89 ∘C,
3.41 m s−1). Overall, the study demonstrates that the sampler is
capable of recording background gaseous Hg concentrations across a wide
range of environmental conditions with accuracy similar to that of industry
standard active sampling instruments. Results at sites with active
speciation units were inconclusive on whether the PASs take up total gaseous
Hg or solely gaseous elemental Hg primarily because gaseous oxidized Hg
concentrations were in a similar range as the uncertainty of the PAS.