Rivers provide critical water supply for many human societies and ecosystems, yet global knowledge of their flow rates is poor. We show that useful estimates of absolute river discharge (in cubic meters per second) may be derived solely from satellite images, with no ground-based or a priori information whatsoever. The approach works owing to discovery of a characteristic scaling law uniquely fundamental to natural rivers, here termed a river's at-many-stations hydraulic geometry. A first demonstration using Landsat Thematic Mapper images over three rivers in the United States, Canada, and China yields absolute discharges agreeing to within 20-30% of traditional in situ gauging station measurements and good tracking of flow changes over time. Within such accuracies, the door appears open for quantifying river resources globally with repeat imaging, both retroactively and henceforth into the future, with strong implications for water resource management, food security, ecosystem studies, flood forecasting, and geopolitics. S ome 80% of the world's population and 65% of its river ecosystems are threatened by insecure water supply, yet global knowledge of the river discharges upon which these depend is surprisingly poor (1, 2). For much of the world, river gauge measurements are rare, nonexistent, or proprietary. Even wellmonitored countries have sparsely distributed networks, thus limiting current understanding of water losses along river courses, habitat changes, and flood risk (3, 4). Satellites, in contrast, provide spatially dense coverage globally, attracting calls for a global river discharge mapping capacity from space (5-10). However, previous efforts to estimate river discharge from remotely sensed observations have all required inclusion of some form of ancillary ground-based information, such as gauge measurements, bathymetric surveys, and/or calibrated hydrology models that are simply unavailable for most of the planet (11-18). To remove this dependence on ground-based information, we show that useful estimates of absolute river discharge (i.e., in units of cubic meters per second) may be derived solely from multiple satellite images of a river, with no ground-based or a priori information whatsoever, through use of a characteristic scaling law, here termed a river's atmany-stations hydraulic geometry (AMHG). As will be shown in this paper, AMHG effectively halves the number of parameters required by traditional hydraulic geometry, thus paving the way for remote estimation of a single remaining parameter-and thus river discharge-through repeated satellite image observations along a river course. The presence of AMHG is verified in 12 of 12 rivers examined, using 88 in situ gauging stations, three fieldcalibrated hydrodynamic models incorporating 772 field-surveyed bathymetric cross-sections, and 42 Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) satellite images (SI Text, section S1, Materials and Methods and Tables S1 and S2). Following a description of width AMHG, an innovative satellite discharge estimation approach i...