The presence of noise in quantum computers hinders their effective operation. Even though quantum error correction can theoretically remedy this problem, its practical realization is still a challenge. Testing and benchmarking noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISC) computers is therefore of high importance. Here, we suggest the application of the so-called quantum state matching protocol for testing purposes. This protocol was originally proposed to determine if an unknown quantum state falls in a prescribed neighborhood of a reference state. We decompose the unitary specific to the protocol and construct the quantum circuit implementing one step of the dynamics for different characteristic parameters of the scheme and present test results for two different IBM quantum computers. By comparing the experimentally obtained relative frequencies of success to the ideal success probability with a maximum statistical tolerance, we discriminate statistical errors from device specific ones. For the characterization of noise, we also use the fact that while the output of the ideal protocol is insensitive to the internal phase of the input state, the actual implementation may lead to deviations. For systematically varied inputs we find that the device with the smaller quantum volume performs better on our tests than the one with larger quantum volume, while for random inputs they show a more similar performance.