Despite decades of measurements, the nitrogen balance of temperate forest catchments remains poorly understood. Atmospheric nitrogen deposition often greatly exceeds streamwater nitrogen losses; the fate of the remaining nitrogen is highly uncertain. Gaseous losses of nitrogen to denitrification are especially poorly documented and are often ignored. Here, we provide isotopic evidence (δ 15 N NO3 and δ 18 O NO3 ) from shallow groundwater at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest indicating extensive denitrification during midsummer, when transient, perched patches of saturation developed in hillslopes, with poor hydrological connectivity to the stream, while streamwater showed no isotopic evidence of denitrification. During small rain events, precipitation directly contributed up to 34% of streamwater nitrate, which was otherwise produced by nitrification. Together, these measurements reveal the importance of denitrification in hydrologically disconnected patches of shallow groundwater during midsummer as largely overlooked control points for nitrogen loss from temperate forest catchments.M any forested catchments export far less nitrogen (N) in streamwater than they receive in atmospheric deposition (1, 2). The rest of the deposited N may accumulate in vegetation or soil organic matter, or be lost in gaseous form. Losses of N to denitrification, the microbial reduction of aqueous nitrate (NO 3 − ) to nitrous oxide (N 2 O, a greenhouse gas) and N 2 gas, are extremely difficult to measure due to the difficulty in directly measuring N 2 fluxes and due to the high degree of spatiotemporal variability in redox conditions and substrate sources (3). Many past studies using a range of measurements (streamwater nitrate isotopic composition, the acetylene block technique, N 2 O emissions, and mass balance calculations) have concluded that denitrification in temperate forests is highly uncertain or generally unimportant (e.g., refs. 4-8).Nitrogen budgets are particularly perplexing in the northern hardwood forests at the Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (HBEF) in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, USA, where atmospheric deposition has supplied 6-8 kg N ha −1 ·yr −1 for half a century, a rate ∼5-10 times preindustrial levels (7-10). Accumulation of N in plant biomass ceased in the early 1990s (10, 11), while streamwater inorganic N export from catchments across the HBEF and nearby streams decreased to <1 kg N ha −1 ·yr −1 , for reasons that remain elusive (9,10,12). These N flux measurements imply increasingly important roles for N gas loss or storage in soil organic matter. However, both processes are so difficult to quantify that the fate, drivers, and consequences of the "missing" N remain unknown, at the HBEF and elsewhere (8)(9)(10)12 Table S1).Nitrate isotopic composition reflects not only NO 3 − sources but also fractionation from a range of processes (14, Table S1), including the HBEF (10, 17), have revealed little if any isotopic evidence of denitrification.
SignificanceDenitrification is the most poorly under...