Abstract:IEEE 802.16, also known as Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX), is a standardization effort carried out by the IEEE to provide last-mile broadband access to end users. The IEEE 802.16 standard supports two medium access control (MAC) modes -a mandatory point to multipoint (PMP) mode and an optional mesh mode. In this paper, we propose an asymmetric interference aware routing algorithm and a new multipointer approach in implementing scheduling algorithms for IEEE 802.16 mesh networks. We modify three different centralized scheduling algorithms, fixed scheduling, ordered scheduling and per-slot scheduling using multipointer approach to allow for spatial reuse (SR) in IEEE 802.16 mesh networks. Simulation results reveal that fixed scheduling with SR provides the best performance. We would like to thank the Editor to give us a chance to revise our paper submitted to Wireless Personal Communications. We appreciate the constructive comments from the reviewers, and hereby we provide the detailed response to each comment and indicate the changes have been made in our revised manuscript. All changes are also highlighted with underline in our revised manuscript. The major changes are summarized as follows:
Powered by Editorial Manager® and ProduXion Manager® from Aries Systems Corporation1. We have rewritten the introduction part by adding 11 latest references, and cited them properly in the revised manuscript. Please refer to pp. 2-4.2. We have highlighted our contribution in terms of three points. Please refer to pp. 3-4.3. We have added the limitation of the proposed schemes in pg. 17.4. We have changed the spelling of "Multipointer" to "Multi-pointer".5. We have changed the word "WiMAX" in the title to "IEEE 802.16" to make it more accurate.Reply to Reviewer . We have analyzed these existing works, and pointed out the main differences between our proposed schemes and the existing ones. Please refer to pp.
2-4.2. The paper is well written and easy to follow. The innovation factor of the paper must be underlined by the author.
Authors' reply:We thank the reviewer for his/her positive comments on our work. The main contributions have been summarized into three items: We propose a new routing algorithm, asymmetric interference aware routing (AIAR), which is based on effective link rates and adopts the interference model to obtain optimum throughput while considering SR.(ii) We are particularly enlightened by the three suboptimal algorithms originally proposed in [19], namely fixed allocation scheme, ordering scheme and per slot maximum transmission scheme. Our proposed scheduling algorithms are based on similar philosophy, but they are essentially different from those three proposed in [19]. To emphasize the difference, we deliberately rename them as fixed scheduling
(FS), ordered scheduling (OS) and per-slot scheduling (PSS). We further modify FS, OS and PSS to implement SR and obtain FS with SR (FS-SR), OS with SR (OS-SR) and PSS with SR (PSS-SR), respectively. (iii) By taking buffer size an...