The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC) awarded numerous environmental claims to fund Remediation and Restoration of environmental damage caused during the Gulf War. Based on Decision 258, all claimant countries were required to establish a National Focal Point. Kuwait National Focal Point (KNFP) was established in 2006 to manage the Funds provided to Kuwait and to liaise with various Government Entities to ensure proper execution of the Kuwait Environmental Remediation Program. Based upon a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2010 by Kuwait National Focal and Kuwait Oil Company (KOC), Kuwait Oil Company was entrusted with handling the works as stipulated in UNCC Claim Funds 5000259, 5000450 Elements 2&3, and 5000454. The original plan was to Construct 17 landfills and to Excavate and Transport 26 million cubic meters of Contaminates soil to the Landfills and Bio-Remediate residual low level Contamination. Kuwait Oil Company recommended a change in strategy to Kuwait National Focal Point intended to Maximize Treatment and Minimize landfill. As per the new strategy, Tenders were prepared to treat a minimum of 15.5 million cubic meters of contaminated soil and to landfill a maximum of 6 million cubic meters of the estimated remaining oil contaminated soil. Out of a total of eight contracts floated to the market, five contracts have completed preliminary works to assess the quantity and level of contamination, prepare the treatment areas and to conduct treatment trials. The purpose of this abstract is to shed light on the journey in developing a robust, flexible and attractive Contract and to highlight the achievements in the initial 17 months of work and commencement of full-scale soil treatment for one of the five Zones under North Kuwait Excavation, Transportation & Remediation and South Kuwait Excavation, Transportation & Remediation (Phase I) Contracts.