“…In line with our gene expression data, decreased hippocampal 5‐HT 2A receptor densities have been reported in [ 3 H]ketanserine binding experiments ( post‐mortem ) and PET studies with MDD patients (Cheetham, Crompton, Katona, & Horton, ; Rosel, Arranz, Vallejo, Oros, Crespo, Menchon, & Navarro, ; Rosel, Arranz, San, Vallejo, Crespo, Urretavizcaya, & Navarro, ; Mintun, Sheline, Moerlein, Vlassenko, Huang, & Snyder, ; Sheline, Mintun, Barch, Wilkins, Snyder, & Moerlein, ). In the frontal cortex of depressed suicide victims, results are mixed with two studies (Arranz, Eriksson, Mellerup, Plenge, & Marcusson, ; Muguruza, Miranda‐Azpiazu, Díez‐Alarcia, Morentin, González‐Maeso, Callado, & Meana, ) showing no difference in 5‐HT 2A receptor binding and two reporting increased binding (Hrdina, Demeter, Vu, Sótónyi, & Palkovits, ; Shelton, Sanders‐Bush, Manier, & Lewis, ). Since SSRI treatment has been reported to affect 5‐HT 2A receptor expression (Muguruza et al, ), this discrepancy may be related to differences in antidepressant treatment.…”