Effective preventive and screening interventions have not been widely adopted in emergency departments (EDs). Barriers to knowledge translation of these initiatives include lack of knowledge of current evidence, perceived lack of efficacy, and resource availability. To address this challenge, the Academic Emergency Medicine 2007 Consensus Conference, ''Knowledge Translation in Emergency Medicine: Establishing a Research Agenda and Guide Map for Evidence Uptake,'' convened a public health focus group. The question this group addressed was ''What are the unique contextual elements that need to be addressed to bring proven preventive and other public health initiatives into the ED setting?'' Public health experts communicated via the Internet beforehand and at a breakout session during the conference to reach consensus on this topic, using published evidence and expert opinion. Recommendations include 1) to integrate proven public health interventions into the emergency medicine core curriculum, 2) to configure clinical information systems to facilitate public health interventions, and 3) to use ancillary ED personnel to enhance delivery of public health interventions and to obtain successful funding for these initiatives. Because additional research in this area is needed, a research agenda for this important topic was also developed. The ED provides medical care to a unique population, many with increased needs for preventive care. Because these individuals may have limited access to screening and preventive interventions, wider adoption of these initiatives may improve the health of this vulnerable population.