The bovine lungworm, Dictyocaulus viviparus, causes disease in all ages of cattle and in addition to having a self-evident effect on animal welfare, it can have a considerable economic impact at farm level, even with subclinical infections. Whilst most clinical cases are seen in cattle at pasture from July until housing, occasional outbreaks occur in housed cattle that have been infected previously at grass, or occasionally from infections acquired from forage or low-level cycling in straw yards. Whilst the overall seasonal pattern of infection is consistent over large temporal and spatial scales, there is marked year-to-year and within season variability in the number of cases seen at both regional and farm levels. This relative unpredictability can bring uncertainty to decisions on control. In order to be able to provide sound, evidence-based advice on treatment and control to farmers, it is important that clinicians grasp important, practically relevant aspects of lungworm biology, pathology, immunity and epidemiology: the aim of this article is to do just that. A second article describes and analyses the options for prevention and treatment of husk, based on this knowledge.