Poisson's ratio (ν) is the negative ratio of the lateral-to-axial strain of a material under compression or tension and ranges between À1 and þ0.5 for 3D isotropic materials, according to elasticity theory, [1] and À1 and þ1 for 2D isotropic materials. [2] Auxetic materials (and structures) have a negative Poisson's ratio (NPR) as they expand laterally when stretched and contract laterally when compressed. [3] Auxetics can have enhanced properties including increased resistance to indentation and increased energy absorption under compression. [4,5] They also exhibit synclastic curvature, [3,6] which could improve the conformability of clothing to the body. Such properties make auxetics ideal candidates for enhancing personal protective equipment (PPE) in sport, [7] such as those used in rugby, [8] American football, [9] or snow sports. [10] Head injuries, for example, still frequently occur in sport despite developments in helmet technology and increased user uptake. [11,12] Shear thickening materials are often used in sporting PPE products, such as snowboard back protectors, but their ability to limit impact forces can change with temperature. [13] Approximately 4.5 million people are treated in EU hospitals for sports-related injuries annually, [14] at a cost of €2.4 billion (%£2 billion), [15] which could be reduced with more effective protection and better regulation. Better fitting, more comfortable, and higher-performing auxetic PPE has the potential to increase participation in sport and improve general well-being, both physically and mentally. [16] In addition, a more active population could reduce healthcare costs, particularly as National Health Service providers spent %£900 million on addressing health issues related to physical inactivity in the UK in 2009/2010. [17] There are also social health benefits of practicing a sport with others. [18] Bailly et al. found that snow-sport participants with an injury that was not to the head were less likely to be wearing a helmet than those without an injury, [19] challenging the concerns of Wilson that sporting participants who wear PPE take more risks. [20] Although auxetic systems can be found in nature, [21] research into these materials has typically focused on manmade products like open-cell foam, which was first manufactured by Lakes using thermomechanical techniques that combined compression and heating. [3] Auxetic foam fabrication has also been investigated by Chan and Evans. [4,22] Scarpa et al. were the first to report the dynamic response of auxetic open-cell foam, highlighting its potential in crashworthiness applications. [23] More recently, this potential was demonstrated further; open-cell auxetic foam reduced the peak acceleration of drop tower impacts (energies up to 5.6 J) by two to three times, compared with its conventional