With the improvement of medical technology and level, more and more research on sepsis malefactors, the diagnosis and treatment of the disease are now more accurate and perfect with the gradual deepening of people's understanding of the disease, Western medicine has its own standards and norms of treatment, but also has its limitations and shortcomings, therefore, the search for new treatment methods is imperative, Chinese medicine as the traditional medicine of the motherland, in the process of inheritance of continuous innovation As a traditional medicine of the motherland, TCM is constantly innovating in the process of transmission, giving TCM an understanding of new diseases and proposing treatment options. The main objective of this paper is to analyse research related to the treatment of inflammatory coagulation caused by sepsis in Chinese medicine. It is found that the early stage of sepsis is characterised by more evidence of solid heat, which should be treated from the perspective of clearing heat and detoxifying the blood, cooling the blood and nourishing the yin, so as to interrupt the disease in a timely manner and avoid the emergence of severe symptoms of sepsis such as deficiency and decompensation. The study of TCM theory has provided new ideas and methods to be tried for the clinical adjunctive treatment of sepsis in TCM. From time to time, clinicians, especially TCM clinicians, use herbs, herbal injections or TCM external treatments as adjuncts in the treatment of sepsis. With the gradual development of basic and clinical applications of TCM in the treatment of sepsis, TCM has become more and more effective in improving coagulation disorders and coping with inflammatory reactions.