Background:The need to predict potentially difcult tracheal intubation has received more importance but with limited success. The present study
was conducted to assess various airway evaluation indices used to predict difcult airway in Indian patients with diabetes mellitus. Methods: This
prospective, observational study was carried out in 85 patients at a tertiary care hospital in Western India. All patients underwent thorough airway
assessment using modied Mallampati classication, mouth opening, upper lip bite test, thyromental distance, head extension, palm print, prayer
sign and body mass index. Preoperative data of the various airway indices were co-related with difcult intubation to evaluate the sensitivity,
specicity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of each test. Results: Overall, the best indicator to predict difcult intubation in
patients with diabetes was the palm print (58.7% sensitive; 94.9% specic; 75.3% accurate) followed by Mallampati score (50% sensitive; 94.9%
specic; 70.6% accurate) and prayer sign (54.3% sensitive; 89.7% specic; 70.6% accurate). There was a signicant association between
prediction of difcult intubation and occurrence of complications during intubation in patients with diabetes. Conclusion: Even though all airway
indices have their place in an anesthesiologists' armamentarium, the palm print is an ideal predictor of difcult intubation in patients with diabetes,
followed by the Mallampati score and the prayer sign.