A series of field evaluations was performed at three freeway interchange ramps in Michigan that possessed significant horizontal curvature to assess the impacts of a dynamic speed feedback sign (DSFS) on driver speed selection and brake response while approaching and entering the ramp curve. A DSFS with a 15 in. full-matrix display was temporarily installed at each of the three exit ramp locations. The sign was programmed to display the same feedback message at each location, which included the speed number for all approaching vehicles, which alternated with a “Slow Down” message for vehicles approaching above 40 mph. The effectiveness of the feedback sign was tested across various sign locations (at the point of curvature versus 350 ft upstream), interchange types (system versus service), time of day (peak versus off-peak), light conditions (daylight versus darkness), and vehicle types (passenger vehicles versus trucks). Compared with the pre-DSFS site condition, the DSFS reduced curve entry speeds and improved brake response at two of the three ramp locations. In general, the greatest beneficial effects on driver behavior were achieved when the DSFS was positioned at the point of curvature, during which curve entry speeds were reduced by approximately 2 mph. These findings were consistent between the system interchanges and service interchanges, and across all vehicle types. The DSFS was also found to be most effective during daytime off-peak periods compared with peak periods and at night. Further evaluation of DSFS at additional ramp locations, and considering an expanded set of conditions, is recommended.