based studies are conducted, the effects of Al are usually confounded with other factors such as levels of P, Ca, Despite good resistance to acid-soil stresses, white clover (Tri-Mo, Mn, Zn, organic acids, and other soil components folium repens L.) is not found on some acid soils. Our objectives (Edmeades et al., 1995; Villagarcia et al., 2001). An exwere to develop a large-leafed white clover with acid-soil resistance, to relate seedling Al to mature plant acid-soil resistance, and to vali-ception is studies of the growth of very young seedlings. date our soil-on-agar procedure. We used a two-stage selection pro-This is possible because (i) the effect of Al on root cedure. In Stage 1 we used the soil-on-agar technique to select for growth is rapid, occurring within hours, and can be draseedling Al-resistance and Al-susceptibility in Brown Loam Synthetic matic (Kochian, 1995), (ii) Al and proton activity at the No. 2 and 'Grasslands Huia' white clover. In Stage 2 we used convenroot surface are the major factors limiting white clover tional pot studies with two soil pH treatments, 4.2 and 5.2, and stemprimary root growth, with Al being more toxic than protip cuttings of Al-resistant selections from Brown Loam to select for tons (Brauer, 1998), and (iii) initial root growth is depenacid-soil resistance. The same Stage 1 and 2 techniques were used to dent primarily on nutrient reserves in the seed rather evaluate 12 experimental populations and both parents for seedling than nutrients from the soil (Edmeades et al., 1995). Al resistance and mature plant acid-soil resistance. Across two cycles The soil-on-agar technique (Voigt et al., 1997) takes of selection, both Brown Loam and Huia Al-resistant and susceptible populations diverged. For Brown Loam, progress was made toward advantage of the above factors to provide a biological both increased Al resistance and susceptibility. For Huia, progress apassessment of soils at the critical establishment stage peared more toward Al susceptibility than toward Al resistance. Poputhat is closely related to the toxic form of Al found in lations developed from two-stage selection were more acid-soil resis-the soil solution (Voigt et al., 1998). The procedure can tant than their parent. However, populations selected only for seedling be used to relate seedling Al resistance to acid-soil resis-Al resistance or Al susceptibility were usually no more acid-soil resistance of small-seeded forage legumes (Voigt et al., 1997; tant than their parent. We were able to increase the acid-soil resistance Voigt and Mosjidis, 2002). For this paper, results from of Brown Loam white clover. But, the soil-on-agar procedure was not the soil-on-agar procedure will be discussed as Al resisan effective technique for developing acid-soil-resistant white clover tance, results from pot studies as acid-soil resistance.germplasm.