“…In its native range in North America, A. psilostachya shares ruderal habits with A. artemisiifolia, as it is common in open disturbed habitats such as abandoned fields, vacant lots and along transportation corridors (Basset and Crompton, 1975). In contrast to A. artemisiifolia, however, it is also common in semi-natural/natural environments: it is a typical forb of tallgrass prairies (temperate grasslands) of the American Great Plains (Reece et al, 2004) and a weed in pastures and rangelands where it is favoured by overgrazing and fire (Baker and Guthery, 1990;Abrams, 1988;Vermeire and Gillen, 2000;Funderburg et al, 2014). It is a sand-loving species and colonizes dry sand prairies on sand hills (Hart and Gleason, 1907;Hulett et al, 1988;Ebinger et al, 2006;Uresk, 2012).…”