SummaryAtmospheric pollution caused by the intensive rearing of farm animals affects the global environment, human health and the welfare of farm animals. This topic has aroused increasing interest in countries such as Spain, where little research has been done until recently. This doctoral thesis focuses on the experimental measurement of concentrations and emissions of gases (ammonia, methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide) and particulate matter (PM10) in broiler and rabbit farms, chiefly in Mediterranean climate conditions, and examines the different factors affecting these emissions. To fulfil these objectives, this thesis is composed of five different yet inter-related research studies. Firstly, the methodology followed to measure emissions is detailed. This methodology is based on a balance considering gas concentrations and ventilation flows. A procedure to analyse the uncertainty is proposed to obtain measurable indicators of the quality of the reported values. Secondly, the measurement of ventilation flows on commercial farms is described. This measurement consists of a circuit specifically designed to obtain and record information about the operation of the fans. Then, these two studies are applied to determine gas emissions in two commercial rabbit farms and one broiler facility in the Spanish Mediterranean coastal region. Finally, the influence of broiler activity on gas and particulate matter emissions is quantified in a study carried out in an experimental farm, and the applicability of an indirect method to determine ventilation flows in broiler farms based on a carbon dioxide balance was evaluated. The results obtained through these experiments and the subsequent analyses contribute to the general knowledge on gas emissions from broiler and rabbit farms, and they are highly useful to improve the national gas emission inventory.-iiEstudios experimentales sobre emisiones de gases y polvo a la atmósfera en alojamientos para conejos y pollos
ResumenLa contaminación atmosférica originada por la producción animal intensiva afecta al medio ambiente global, a la salud de las personas y al bienestar de los animales de la propia granja. Se trata de una problemática de creciente interés en países en los que, como en el caso de España, se ha investigado poco hasta el momento. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en la medición experimental de concentraciones y emisiones de gases (amoniaco, metano, óxido nitroso y dióxido de carbono) y partículas (PM10) en granjas de pollos de cebo y de conejos, principalmente en clima mediterráneo, analizando los factores que afectan a dichas emisiones. Para ello, la tesis se compone de cinco trabajos de investigación diferenciados, aunque estrechamente relacionados entre sí. En primer lugar, se estudia en detalle la metodología empleada para medir las emisiones, basado en un balance en el que las variables son la concentración de gases y el flujo de ventilación; por otra parte, se desarrolla un procedimiento para el análisis de la incertidumbre cuyo objetivo es obtener indicad...