Indigofera aspalathoides Vahl ex DC. belongs to the Fabaceae family. I. aspalathoides is applied to heal tumors, inflammations, diabetes, leprosy, and kidney illnesses in traditional medicines. Compounds including kaempferol, kaempferol 5-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, 5,4'-dihydroxy 6,8-dimethoxy 7-O-rhamnosyl flavone, indigocarpan, and mucronulatol have isolated from this plant species. Hitherto, there is no comprehensive review available regarding the reported bioactivities of I. aspalathoides. Thus, this article goals to analyze, summarize and document the published bioactivities-related publications. Electronic databases the Web of Science, Scopus, ScienceDirect, and PubMed used to find relevant publications from 1900 to December 2020. Thus far, only in vivo and in vitro scientific evidence levels of bioactivities are available. I. aspalathoides holds such as anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antihepatotoxic, anti-arthritic, immunomodulatory, and antidiabetic properties. Overall, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer compounds have been isolated from this plant species Therefore, additional bioactivity and phytochemical-related researches would need to perform to generate more scientific evidence for other applications. This work will be useful for further bioactivity and phytochemical studies using this plant species.