The myth of fibroid degeneration in the canine intervertebral disc -A histopathological comparison of disc degeneration in chondrodystrophic and nonchondrodystrophic dogs Myten om fibroid degeneration i hundens intervertebraldiskerEn histopatologisk jämförelse av diskdegeneration mellan chondrodystrofa och icke chondrodystrofa hundar
Tove Hansen
Supervisor: Niklas Bergknut, Department of Clinical Sciences
Examiner: Ragnvi Hagman, Department of Clinical Sciences Degree Project in Veterinary Medicine
SUMMARYIn the 1950's, the veterinary pathologist, Hans-Jörgen Hansen noticed several dissimilarities between so called chondrodystrophic and non-chondrodystrophic dog breeds regarding intervertebral disc degeneration and related diseases. Chondrodystrophic breeds are characterized by disproportionally short extremities due to disturbances in the endochondral ossification whereas non-chondrodystrophic breeds have normal bodily constitutions. The two breed types often differ regarding age of onset of disease, spinal location and severity of clinical signs. He also noted different histopathological patterns during the course of degeneration, foremost in the centre of the intervertebral disc, the nucleus pulposus. Due to this, he named the degenerative processes chondroid metamorphosis and fibroid metamorphosis in chondrodystrophic and non-chondrodystrophic breeds respectively. In general, chondroid metamorphosis refers to the replacement of the original cell type (the notochordal cell) with chondrocyte-like cells, whereas the fibroid metamorphosis refers to replacement of these cells with fibrocyte-like cells. This distinction has since then been an accepted distinction between the two breed types. However, more recent studies indicate that the histopathological patterns are more similar in the two breed types than previously described, and that the chondroid metamorphosis might be the degenerative process taking place in both breed types.In this study the histopathological appearances of 42 intervertebral discs from 16 chondrodystrophic and 17 non-chondrodystrophic dogs in early stage intervertebral disc degeneration were examined. After midsagittal transection of the spines, the intervertebral discs were graded macroscopically between one and three on a five-grade scale (the Thompson grading scheme). Subsequently, each intervertebral disc was individually fixated in formalin and decalcified in EDTA. After decalcification, the intervertebral discs were embedded in paraffin, sliced with a microtome and stained with Hematoxilin and Eosin and Alcian Blue/Picrosirius Red. The histological samples were thereafter graded according to a histological grading scheme (the Boos grading scheme) after which the histological scores were compared between chondrodystrophic and non-chondrodystrophic dogs.The results showed that there was a significant difference in total histological scores between chondrodystrophic and non-chondrodystrophic dogs in the two lowest macroscopical grades of degeneration. Chondrodystrophic dogs had a highe...