Argyreia speciosa (Linn.f.) (Family: Convolvulaceae, Synonyms: Argyreia nervosa) is used in the traditional Ayurvedic systems of medicine as well as in local health folklore. It is commonly known as Vidhaara in Hindi and Hawaiian Baby Woodrose and Elephant creeper in English. It is the large climber and seen throughout India up to an altitude of 500 m. A. speciosa possess various pharmacological activity such as anti-aging, gastroprotective, analgesic & anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, antiviral, antidiabetic, anticonvulsion, antioxidant, antidiarrheal, antiulcer, central nervous system depressant, nematocides, nootropic, anticancer and many more. Apart from this numerous phytoconstituents have been isolated from A. speciosa. Its seeds principally contain lysergamides, eragine and isoeragine which responsible for its hallucinogenic properties. The present paper efforts bring to light the available literature on A. speciosa with respect to traditional, ethnobotanical, phytoconstituents and review of different pharmacological activities.
Keywords: Argyreia speciosa, Vidhaara, Anti-aging, Hallucinogen, Ethnobotanical