“…It has been stated that this specific solution has a general tendency to artificially increase the levels of non-vital bacteria 28 with regard to the plate cultures and the plate efficiency. In a previous study, 12 it has been shown a correlation between the immediate effect and the plate cultures; however, this correlation was lost as time passed, with the effect of CHX being overestimated by plate cultures, 12 indicating that the bacterial vitality may be underestimated with plate cultures or overestimated with fluorescence techniques, which is in contra to what has been recently stated. 28 In this same way, Hannig et al 29 showed that live/dead techniques were valid when assessing bacterial vitality after the use of antiseptic agents, being the combination of Syto 9/propidium iodide a reliable tool when assessing bacterial vitality in a multispecies biofilm.…”