Kidney TransplantationBackground. Targeting interleukin-6 (IL-6) was shown to counteract donor-specific antibody production and antibodymediated rejection (AMR) activity. It is not known whether, or to what extent, IL-6 antagonism modulates biomarkers indicative of tissue damage (donor-derived cell-free DNA [dd-cfDNA]) and parenchymal inflammation (C-X-C motif chemokine ligand [CXCL] 10). Methods. We report a secondary endpoint analysis of a phase 2 trial of anti-IL-6 antibody clazakizumab in late AMR (, NCT03444103). Twenty kidney transplant recipients were randomized to treatment with clazakizumab or placebo over 12 wk (part A), followed by an extension in which all recipients received clazakizumab through week 52 (part B). Biomarkers were evaluated at day 0 and after 12 and 52 wk, respectively. Results. Fractional dd-cfDNA (dd-cfDNA[%]) did not significantly change under clazakizumab, with no differences between study arms (clazakizumab versus placebo) at week 12 (1.65% [median; interquartile range: 0.91%-2.78%] versus 0.97% [0.56%-2.30%]; P = 0.25) and no significant decrease from weeks 12 to 52 (1.15% [0.70%-2.38%] versus 1.0% [0.61%-1.70%]; P = 0.25). Similarly, urine CXCL10 was not different between groups at week 12 (55.7 [41.0-91.4] versus 60.2 [48.8-208.7.0] pg/mg creatinine; P = 0.44) and did not change over part B (CXCL10 [pg/mg creatinine]: from 58 [46.3-93.1] to 67.4 [41.5-132.0] pg/mL creatinine; P = 0.95). Similar results were obtained for serum CXCL10. There was no association between biomarker levels and resolution of molecular and morphologic AMR activity. Conclusions. Our results suggest that IL-6 blockade does not significantly affect levels of dd-cfDNA[%] and CXCL10. Subtle responses to this therapeutic principle may be overlooked by early biomarker surveillance.