Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L., Fabaceae) is knowed as perennial herbaceous leguminous plant species that originated in southwestern Asia and used as folk medicine for the treatment of various ailments. The upperground part of Lucerne contain phenolic compound such as flavonoids etc., that contributes to its biological activities. The aim of this study was to determine five widely knowing flavonoids in extracts 20 alfalfa varieties herb at the Ukrainian steppe growing. We selected 50 seeds of the same size from twenty alfalfa cultivars from different countries, were cultivated under controlled areas of southern part of the Ukrainian left-bank at border of forest-steppe and steppe zones (Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine) from April to June, with 15 °C/ 07 °C (day/night), 14 h/10 h (light/dark) and 60–65% relative humidity. The content of flavonoids were found unequable in ethanol extracts. The chemical compositions and their content were assessed by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography. The content of five flavonoids were different in the 20 alfalfa varieties raw materials. Umbelliferone were found high in ethanol extract of Mongolian colorful hybrid (Mongolia, 0,23 mg|g). Four sorts have not contained umbelliferone: Кisvardai (Hungary), Nizona (Cuba), Тanhuato (Mexico) and Mesopotamian (Iraq). The leader from cinaroside content was sort Commercial 2-52-75 of UK origin. Routine has been found in the highest quantities in WL 50 from USA. Ferganska 700 from Uzbekistan was leader in luteolin content and Кisvardai, Hungary was leader in average of kaempferol content (0,030 mg|g). The present article comprises the hierarchical cluster analyses from the data flavonoid assay.