Legume cover crops can supply a significant amount of nitrogen (N) for cash crops, which is particularly important for organic farmers. Because N mineralization from cover crop residue depends on the amount of biomass, cover crop quality, as well as environmental conditions such as soil moisture and temperature, predicting the amount of N mineralized and the timing of release has been difficult. We have developed a Cover Crop Nitrogen Calculator based on the N subroutine of the CERES crop model and evaluated the use of the predicted N credits on yields of fall broccoli [Brassica oleraceaL. (Italica group)] at a research farm and two working farms. Research farm trials consisted of a cowpea (Vigna unguiculataL. Walp.) cover crop and no cover crop treatments, each at four N rates (0N, 0.5N, 1N and 1.5N, with 1N the target N rate of 112 kg N ha−1in 2013 and 168 kg N ha−1in 2014 and 2015) in a randomized complete block design. On-farm trials consisted of a cowpea or sunn hemp (Crotolaria junceaL.) cover crop at four N rates (0N, 0.5N, 1N and 1.5N) and no cover crop treatment at the 1N rate in a completely randomized design. Cover crop biomass and quality (N%, carbohydrates%, cellulose% and lignin%) were measured and used with a 5-yr average soil moisture and soil temperature from a local weather station to predict an N credit. In the cover crop treatments, the N rate was modified by the predicted credit, while the no cover crop treatment received the full N fertilizer rate either as feathermeal (certified organic fields) or as urea (conventional field). At the research farm, broccoli yield increased up to the 0.5N rate, and there was no difference in yield between the no cover 0.5N rate and the cover crop 0.5N rate in 2013, 2014 and 2105. On-farm, we saw an N response in two site-years. In these site-years, there was no difference between the no cover 1N rate and the cover crop 1N rate. At the third site-year, no N response was seen. Overall, our results showed using the cover crop credit predicted by the Calculator did not reduce yields. The use of a decision support tool such as the Calculator may help farmers better manage N fertilizer when cover crops are used, and increase cover crop adoption.