“…Frequency of incorrect placement of individuals into renal function categories (ie, normal = 50 + mL/min, impaired = 10–50 mL/min), as put forth by Laurence and Bennett, 33 was calculated using heterogenous chi square analysis. Chi square analysis was performed on the uppermost 10%, lowermost 10%, and middle 10%–90% residuals to assess the influence of obesity, emaciation, diabetes, hypertension, albuminemia, or creatinine‐ or glomerular filtration‐altering drugs (amphotericin B, androgens, ascorbic acid, barbiturates, cephalosporin antibiotics, cimetidine, clofibrate, corticosteroids, cotrimoxazole, diuretics, levodopa, methicillin, methyldopa, nephrotoxins, nitrofurantoin, streptokinase, sulfamethoxazole and trimethaprim) 16 on outlier status, with outlier status determined by residual analysis of equations 4 and 15.…”