Methods 144 whole-body 18 F-FDG PET/CT examinations were acquired using a Discovery D690 or D710 PET/CT scanner (GE Healthcare), with a respiratory gating waveform recorded by an external, device-based respiratory gating system. In each examination, two of the bed positions covering the liver and lung bases were acquired with duration of 6 minutes. Quiescent period gating retaining ~50% of coincidences was then able to produce images with an effective duration of 3 minutes for these two bed positions, matching the other bed positions. For each exam, 4 reconstructions were performed and compared: data-driven gating (DDG-retro), external devicebased gating (RPM-gated), no gating but using only the first 3 minutes of data (Ungated matched), and no gating retaining all coincidences (Ungated full). Lesions in the images were quantified and image quality was scored by a radiologist, blinded to the method of data processing. Results The use of DDG-retro was found to increase SUV max and to decrease the threshold-defined lesion volume in comparison to each of the other reconstruction options. Compared to RPMgated, DDG-retro gave an average increase in SUV max of 0.66±0.1 g/mL (n=87,p<0.0005). Although results from the blinded image evaluation were most commonly equivalent, DDG-retro was preferred over RPM-gated in 13% of exams while the opposite occurred in just 2% of exams. This was a significant preference for DDG-retro (p=0.008,n=121). Liver lesions were identified in 23 exams. Considering this subset of data, DDG-retro was ranked superior to Ungated full in 6/23 (26%) of cases. Gated reconstruction using the external device failed in 16% of exams, while DDG-retro always provided a clinically acceptable image. Conclusion In this clinical evaluation, the data-driven respiratory gating technique provided superior performance as compared to the external device-based system. For the majority of exams the performance was equivalent, but data-driven respiratory gating had superior performance in 13% of exams, leading to a significant preference overall.