A.; Fleischmann, M.; Thlrsk, H. R. Trans. Faraday SOC. 1962, Flelschmann, M.; Thirsk, H. R. 119. 73-91. Flelschmann, M.; Thirsk, H. R. Electrochim. Acta 1964, 9 , 757-771. Armstrong, R. D.; Fieischmann, M.; Thlrsk, H. R. Trans. Faraday SOC. 1965, 61, 2238. Thlrsk, H. R.; Harrison, J. A. "A Qulde to the StudyThe peak-shaped voltammograms arising from differentlal pulse, dlfferentiai normal pulse, and normal pulse dlfference modes of pulse voltammetry are compared for reversible systems and for systems wlth heterogeneous charge transfer control. The effects of variatlon of klnetlc parameters, k, and a, and the dependence on experlmental parameters of time and potentlal are examlned. For the reverslble case the current-potentlal curves are the same for the appropriate choke of experlmentai parameters. For quasi-reverslble cases the differences depend strongly on klnetlc parameters. Maxlmum differences are obtalned for the totally Irreversible case. The dlfferences between the differential normal pulse and normal pulse difference currents are less slgniflcant than the striking relatlve dlmlnutlon of the differential pulse response for irreversible systems.